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Could the US Regulate What Americans Eat?
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Could the US Regulate What Americans Eat?
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Nine out of 10 American adults have unhealthy metabolisms, mostly because of the food they eat. Experts say it might be time for the government to regulate what Americans put in their mouths.
Dariush Mozaffarian is a heart doctor at Tufts University in Massachusetts. He said the food industry is the only area of the economy “where we have the majority of products being knowingly dangerous, and we leave it up” to the public to decide what to have.
If there is a product that hurts people, “we get rid of it,” Mozaffarian said.
To look at someone’s metabolic health, doctors measure things like blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure. People who are in poor metabolic health are at increased risk of getting diabetes, heart disease and other serious health problems.
"When you have nine out of 10 adults being metabolically unhealthy, largely due to diet-related illnesses, you know we have a broken system,” Mozaffarian said.
A big part of the problem is that Americans eat a lot of junk food. Junk foods are processed foods like sweets or potato chips that provide little nutritional value and are high in fat, salt and sugar. A study by the National Institutes of Health found that junk foods account for 1 out every 7 calories in adults and 1 out of every 5 calories in children.
Junk foods are hard to resist because they contain things the body wants and needs.
Sweet, salty and fatty foods “are things that are very necessary to live, they’re energy providing," said Linda Bartoshuk. She is a professor of food science at the University of Florida.
The problem, she said, is that the body has a hard time knowing when to stop wanting them.
“We take in too much salt, too much sugar, too much fat, and it produces all kinds of illnesses,” Bartoshuk said.
Mozaffarian is among health experts who are calling for more policies to help Americans eat healthier foods.
He would like to see the federal government improve nutrition in existing food programs, like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Meals on Wheels. SNAP provides financial aid to poor families to buy food, and Meals on Wheels delivers meals to older Americans.
Mozaffarian also thinks food nutrition should be included in the health care system. Even though Americans are getting less healthy, the United States spent $3.8 trillion on health care in 2019.
Doctors, for example, could write prescriptions for healthy foods that are partially or fully paid for, Mozaffarian said. He also thinks there could be more nutritional education for health care workers, and students in medical school.
And while Mozaffarian believes nutritional education would be effective, changing Americans’ diet is most important, he said.
"We’re going to need to fix the food, right, so that parents and kids who are busy and out wanting to enjoy their lives can get nutritious, affordable food," he said.
I’m Dan Novak.
Dora Mekouar reported this story for Voice of America. Dan Novak adapted it for VOA Learning English. Susan Shand was the editor.
Words in This Story
metabolism — n. the chemical processes by which a plant or an animal uses food, water, etc., to grow and heal and to make energy
regulate — n. to make rules or laws that control (something)
cholesterol — n. a substance that is found in the bodies of people and animals
nutrition — n. the process of eating the right kind of food so you can grow properly and be healthy
calorie — n. a unit of heat used to indicate the amount of energy that foods will produce in the human body
afford — v. to be able to pay for (something)
prescription — n. a written message from a doctor that officially tells someone to use a medicine, therapy, etc.
Could the US Regulate What Americans Eat?
Nine out of 10 American adults have unhealthy metabolisms, mostly because of the food they eat. Experts say it might be
time for the government to regulate what Americans put in their mouths.
Dariush Mozaffarian is a heart doctor at Tufts University in Massachusetts. He said the food industry is the only area
of the economy “where we have the majority of products being knowingly dangerous, and we leave it up” to the public to
decide what to have.
Dariush Mozaffarian氏は、マサチューセッツ州タフツ大学の心臓専門医です。彼は、食品業界は経済の中で唯一、「大多数の製品が故意に危険であることを知りながら、何を食べるかを一般市民に委ねている」分野だと言います。
If there is a product that hurts people, “we get rid of it,” Mozaffarian said.
To look at someone’s metabolic health, doctors measure things like blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure. People
who are in poor metabolic health are at increased risk of getting diabetes, heart disease and other serious health
メタボリックヘルスの検査として、医師は血糖値、コレステロール、血圧などを測定します。メタボリックヘルスの値がよくない 人は、糖尿病や心臓病などの深刻な健康問題を抱えるリスクが高くなります。
"When you have nine out of 10 adults being metabolically unhealthy, largely due to diet-related illnesses, you know we
have a broken system,” Mozaffarian said.
A big part of the problem is that Americans eat a lot of junk food. Junk foods are processed foods like sweets or potato
chips that provide little nutritional value and are high in fat, salt and sugar. A study by the National Institutes of
Health found that junk foods account for 1 out every 7 calories in adults and 1 out of every 5 calories in children.
Junk foods are hard to resist because they contain things the body wants and needs.
Sweet, salty and fatty foods “are things that are very necessary to live, they’re energy providing," said Linda
Bartoshuk. She is a professor of food science at the University of Florida.
甘いもの、塩辛いもの、脂肪分の多いものは、「生きていく上で非常に必要なものであり、エネルギー源となるものです」とLinda Bartoshukは言う。彼女はフロリダ大学の食品科学の教授です。
The problem, she said, is that the body has a hard time knowing when to stop wanting them.
“We take in too much salt, too much sugar, too much fat, and it produces all kinds of illnesses,” Bartoshuk said.
「塩分、糖分、脂肪分を摂りすぎると、さまざまな病気を引き起こすのです」とBartoshuk は言います。
Mozaffarian is among health experts who are calling for more policies to help Americans eat healthier foods.
Mozaffarian は、アメリカ人がより健康的な食品を食べられるような政策を求めている健康専門家の一人です。
He would like to see the federal government improve nutrition in existing food programs, like the Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program and Meals on Wheels. SNAP provides financial aid to poor families to buy food, and Meals on Wheels
delivers meals to older Americans.
彼は、連邦政府がSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program(SNAP)やMeals on
Wheelsのような既存の食品プログラムの栄養状態を改善することを望んでいます。SNAPは貧しい家庭が食料を購入するための資金を援助するもので、Meals on Wheelsは高齢者に食事を提供するものです。
Mozaffarian also thinks food nutrition should be included in the health care system. Even though Americans are getting
less healthy, the United States spent $3.8 trillion on health care in 2019.
また、Mozaffarian は、食品の栄養を医療制度に組み込むべきだと考えています。アメリカ人の健康状態が悪くなっているにもかかわらず、アメリカは2019年に3.8兆ドルを医療費に費やしています。
Doctors, for example, could write prescriptions for healthy foods that are partially or fully paid for, Mozaffarian
said. He also thinks there could be more nutritional education for health care workers, and students in medical school.
Mozaffarian によると、例えば医師は、一部または全額が負担される健康食品の処方箋を書くことができるといいます。また、医療従事者や医学部の学生に対する健康のための栄養教育をもっと充実させてもいいと考えています。
And while Mozaffarian believes nutritional education would be effective, changing Americans’ diet is most important, he
"We’re going to need to fix the food, right, so that parents and kids who are busy and out wanting to enjoy their lives
can get nutritious, affordable food," he said.
I’m Dan Novak.
Dan Novakです。
Dora Mekouar reported this story for Voice of America. Dan Novak adapted it for VOA Learning English. Susan Shand was
the editor.
この記事はVoice of AmericaのためにDora Mekouarが取材しました。Dan NovakがVOA Learning Englishのために脚色しました。編集はSusan Shandが担当しました。
【VOA Learning Englishのバックナンバー】
アメリカ人のジャンクフード中心の食事の改善についてのレポートでした。metabolic healthなど聞き慣れない言葉はいくつか出てきますが、全体的にそれほど難しい語句も少なく、話題も想像しやすいものだったと思います。知らない単語や、簡単に意味のとれない文は丁寧に調べたり分析するようにしましょう。弊社の『基礎からはじめる英語リスニング』や『VOA基本英単語1541』などを使って基礎英語力を上げるのも効果的です。