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VOA Learning English 210615

US Drug Agency Approves Disputed Alzheimer’s Treatment

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US Drug Agency Approves Disputed Alzheimer’s Treatment




今回取りあげる VOA Learning Englishに掲載された記事は、 米国医薬品庁が論争になっていたアルツハイマー病治療薬を承認したという話題です。





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From VOA Learning English, this is the Health & Lifestyle report.

U.S. government health officials have approved the first new drug for Alzheimer’s disease in nearly 20 years. However, independent experts say the treatment has not been shown to help slow the brain disease, reported the Associated Press.

Last week the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the drug, called aducanumab. It was developed by the biotechnology company Biogen in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The drug will be sold under the name of Aduhelm.

Biogen’s stock value increased by 38 percent on the day of the FDA approval.

The approval is based on results showing that the drug seemed “reasonably likely” to help Alzheimer’s patients. It is the only treatment that U.S. regulators have said can treat the disease, rather than its resulting conditions, or symptoms.

However, Reuters news agency reported last week that two members of a group of advisors to the FDA have resigned in protest. Dr. David Knopman and Dr. Joel Perlmutter said they strongly disagreed with the FDA’s decision to approve Aduhelm for treatment of Alzheimer’s.

The decision to approve the drug could affect millions of Americans. It is likely to cause debate among doctors and researchers. The approval may also affect standards used to judge experimental treatments including those that seem to help patients only a little.

How to judge treatments of difficult conditions is the subject of debate. Groups representing Alzheimer’s patients and their families say any new treatment should be approved. But many experts warn that approving the drug could be a bad model and would open the door to poor treatments.

Dr. Caleb Alexander was one of the FDA advisers who warned against the drug’s approval. The Associated Press reports that he said he was “surprised and disappointed” by the decision.

Alexander is a medical researcher at Johns Hopkins University. He said “the FDA gets the respect that it does because it has regulatory standards that are based on firm evidence.” In this case, he said he thought the agency approved the drug without enough evidence.

The World Health Organization estimates that 50 million people around the world have dementia. Alzheimer’s disease might be the cause of 60 to 70 percent of those cases. Alzheimer’s slowly attacks areas of the brain needed for memory, reasoning, communication and basic, daily tasks.

Researchers do not fully understand what causes Alzheimer’s. But there is agreement among some researchers that brain plaque may be one cause.

Aducanumab helps clear a protein called beta-amyloid from the brain. Other experimental drugs have done that. But they did not help patients’ ability to think, care for themselves or live independently.

Dr. Patrizia Cavazzoni is the FDA’s top drug regulator. She said there are “uncertainties” about the drug. But Cavazzoni added that the drug’s ability to reduce harmful plaque in the brain is expected to slow dementia.

“The data supports patients and caregivers having the choice to use this drug,” Cavazzoni told reporters. Before joining the FDA, Cavazzoni worked in the drug industry for several years and held high positions in “clinical development, regulatory affairs, and safety risk management” for several large drug companies.

Under the terms of approval, the FDA requires an additional study to see if the drug is working. If the study fails to show effectiveness, the FDA could withdraw the drug from the market. However, the agency rarely does this. Biogen said it aims to complete the study required by the FDA by 2030.

Biogen stopped two studies in 2019 after disappointing results. The studies suggested that aducanumab would not meet its goal of slowing the loss of mental abilities in Alzheimer’s patients.

Several months later, the company announced that one of the earlier studies appeared to show that the drug was effective in higher amounts. However, the change raised questions among many experts, including those working for the FDA.

Biogen said about 900 U.S. medical centers are ready to begin using the drug and more are expected to do so in the coming months.

And that’s the Health & Lifestyle report.

I’m Anna Matteo.

Matthew Perrone reported this story for the Associate Press. Anna Matteo adapted it for VOA Learning English. Mario Ritter, Jr. was the editor.

Words in This Story

regulator –n. an official who works for the government and who controls a public activity by enforcing rules

standard –n. a level of quality that is considered acceptable or desirable or that may be required by rules

disappointed –adj. feeling unhappy or displeased because something was not as good as expected

plaque –n. a change in brain tissue that happens in Alzheimer’s disease

data –n. information

clinical –adj. based on work done with real patients; relating to medical treatment that is given to patients in hospitals




US Drug Agency Approves Disputed Alzheimer’s Treatment

From VOA Learning English, this is the Health & Lifestyle report.
VOA Learning Englishより、健康とライフスタイルのレポートです。

U.S. government health officials have approved the first new drug for Alzheimer’s disease in nearly 20 years. However, independent experts say the treatment has not been shown to help slow the brain disease, reported the Associated Press.

Last week the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the drug, called aducanumab. It was developed by the biotechnology company Biogen in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The drug will be sold under the name of Aduhelm.

Biogen’s stock value increased by 38 percent on the day of the FDA approval.

The approval is based on results showing that the drug seemed “reasonably likely” to help Alzheimer’s patients. It is the only treatment that U.S. regulators have said can treat the disease, rather than its resulting conditions, or symptoms.

However, Reuters news agency reported last week that two members of a group of advisors to the FDA have resigned in protest. Dr. David Knopman and Dr. Joel Perlmutter said they strongly disagreed with the FDA’s decision to approve Aduhelm for treatment of Alzheimer’s.
ですが、ロイター通信が先週報じたところによると、FDAの顧問グループのメンバーの2人が抗議のために辞任したといいます。David Knopman博士とJoel Perlmutter博士は、アルツハイマー病の治療薬としてAduhelmを承認するというFDAの決定に強く反対すると述べています。

The decision to approve the drug could affect millions of Americans. It is likely to cause debate among doctors and researchers. The approval may also affect standards used to judge experimental treatments including those that seem to help patients only a little.

How to judge treatments of difficult conditions is the subject of debate. Groups representing Alzheimer’s patients and their families say any new treatment should be approved. But many experts warn that approving the drug could be a bad model and would open the door to poor treatments.

Dr. Caleb Alexander was one of the FDA advisers who warned against the drug’s approval. The Associated Press reports that he said he was “surprised and disappointed” by the decision.
Caleb Alexander博士は、この薬の承認に警告を発したFDAアドバイザーの1人です。AP通信によると、博士は今回の決定に「驚きと失望」を感じているといいます。

Alexander is a medical researcher at Johns Hopkins University. He said “the FDA gets the respect that it does because it has regulatory standards that are based on firm evidence.” In this case, he said he thought the agency approved the drug without enough evidence.

The World Health Organization estimates that 50 million people around the world have dementia. Alzheimer’s disease might be the cause of 60 to 70 percent of those cases. Alzheimer’s slowly attacks areas of the brain needed for memory, reasoning, communication and basic, daily tasks.

Researchers do not fully understand what causes Alzheimer’s. But there is agreement among some researchers that brain plaque may be one cause.

Aducanumab helps clear a protein called beta-amyloid from the brain. Other experimental drugs have done that. But they did not help patients’ ability to think, care for themselves or live independently.

Dr. Patrizia Cavazzoni is the FDA’s top drug regulator. She said there are “uncertainties” about the drug. But Cavazzoni added that the drug’s ability to reduce harmful plaque in the brain is expected to slow dementia.
Patrizia Cavazzoni博士は、FDAの医薬品規制当局の責任者です。彼女は、この薬には「不確実性」があると述べています。しかし、Cavazzoni氏は、脳内の有害なプラークを減少させるこの薬の能力は、認知症を遅らせることが期待できると付け加えました。

“The data supports patients and caregivers having the choice to use this drug,” Cavazzoni told reporters. Before joining the FDA, Cavazzoni worked in the drug industry for several years and held high positions in “clinical development, regulatory affairs, and safety risk management” for several large drug companies.
Cavazzoni 氏は記者団に対し、「データは、患者と介護者がこの薬を使用するという選択にたいする手助けとなる」と述べました。Cavazzoni 氏は、FDAに入局する前の数年間、製薬業界で働いており、複数の大手製薬会社で「臨床開発、規制関連業務、安全性リスク管理」の上位職を務めていました。

Under the terms of approval, the FDA requires an additional study to see if the drug is working. If the study fails to show effectiveness, the FDA could withdraw the drug from the market. However, the agency rarely does this. Biogen said it aims to complete the study required by the FDA by 2030.

Biogen stopped two studies in 2019 after disappointing results. The studies suggested that aducanumab would not meet its goal of slowing the loss of mental abilities in Alzheimer’s patients.
バイオジェンは、期待にそぐわない結果を受け、2019年に2つの研究を中止しました。この試験では、aducanumab がアルツハイマー病患者の精神的能力の低下を遅らせるという目標を達成できないことが示されました。

Several months later, the company announced that one of the earlier studies appeared to show that the drug was effective in higher amounts. However, the change raised questions among many experts, including those working for the FDA.

Biogen said about 900 U.S. medical centers are ready to begin using the drug and more are expected to do so in the coming months.

And that’s the Health & Lifestyle report.

I’m Anna Matteo.
Anna Matteoです。

Matthew Perrone reported this story for the Associate Press. Anna Matteo adapted it for VOA Learning English. Mario Ritter, Jr. was the editor.
Matthew PerroneがAP通信においてこの記事を掲載しました。Anna MatteoがVOA Learning Englishのために改編しました。Mario Ritter, Jr.が編集を担当しました。

【VOA Learning Englishのバックナンバー】



日本でもかなり大きく報道されたアルツハイマー病に対する承認薬についてのニュースでした。日本のニュースと比べ、アメリカならではの切り口が顕著な記事でした。こうした記事は実際のアメリカのニュースサイトなどを読んで理解するためのよいトレーニングとなります。分からない単語、文などは丁寧に解析し、しっかりと理解するようにしましょう。単語学習は、弊社の『VOA基本英単語1541』などを活用してください。また、弊社はリスニングトレーニング用の書籍として新刊本を2冊発売しました。『TOEIC® TEST形式で学ぶリスニング・トレーニング』と『基礎からはじめる英語リスニング』の2冊です。どちらも、リスニングの能力を上げるために、基礎からステップアップする形で学べる本になっています。ぜひご購入ください。





